
NMES technology has its roots in the therapeutic and clinical setting. Our own technology has been developed and refined for over 25 years and has been lauded by hospitals and research institutions as the stimulation protocols of choice. NMES is a well known treatment modality for patients recovering from illness, surgery or to prevent musculoskeletal or neural degeneration. However access to this treatment is limited and primarily available in the clinical setting from a fixed device which the patient is wired to. NMES Group seeks to rectify this problem, to create devices which are intuitively able to prescribe and deliver individualised programs to the patient in their own home, overseen remotely by a designated healthcare practitioner. The use cases are broad and this modality has been proven to be effective in musculoskeletal, neurological, orthopaedic, paediatric and cardiorespiratory patient groups. The ability to open access to quality treatment to a wider demographic - regularly and remotely - is coming. We are committed to keeping you moving forward with us